Carol Burnett Show- No Frills Airline

Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, two of the best comedians gone way too soon. Nothing will top their comedy bond that they had. Carol Burnette right up there with the comedic genius of Lucille Ball. Love her comedy so much.

I miss this show!! It was good, clean comedy – don’t get much of that on TV nowadays.

This was a hilarious skit, especially today when there are several low-cost airlines, and the passengers complaining about them

This skit remains one of my favorites from the entire series. The performances and the writing here are excellent. This will always be hilarious. No other sketch comedy troupe could ever match the brilliance of The Carol Burnett Show; I enjoy Monty Python, The Kids in the Hall, Mad TV, Sid Caesar, The League of Gentleman, The Tracey Ullman Show (1987) and others … but Carol and the gang were supreme.

All of these comedians on this show were amazing . . . legends! Loved this show when I was a kid. I always loved when Harvey Korman would break character from Tim’s antics!!

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